Asset-Events API
Asset based Events API Reference
DataTrails provides two mechanisms for persisting provenance metadata:
- Asset based Events (this API): where a series of Events are grounded to a specific Asset.
- Asset-free Events (preview) : where events can be correlated across pre-defined Trails.
The Asset-free Events implementation is the future focus of the DataTrails platform providing the capabilities of Asset based events, with broader flexibility, performance and scalability. Asset-free Events are currently in preview, inviting early developer feedback.
The transition to Asset-free Events involves removing the dependency to anchoring Events in an Asset and shifting from mutable Asset Attributes to immutable Event Attributes. To minimize the impact, prior to switching to Asset-free Events, it is recommended to use Event Attributes, rather than Asset Attributes.
Note: For more information on Assets and Asset creation, visit Core Concepts and the Creating an Asset guide.
Asset-Events API Examples
Note: If you are looking for a simple way to test DataTrails APIs you might prefer the Postman collection, the YAML runner or the Developers section of the web UI.
Additional YAML examples can be found in the articles in the Overview section.
Note: You will need to create an Asset first in order to submit Events against it. The dependency on Assets is being deprecated. In a future release, Events will be created independently from Assets.
Asset Reference
Create the bearer_token and store in a file in a secure local directory with 0600 permissions.
Capture the Asset ID by which the events will be associated.
Find the ASSET_ID with Fetch All AssetsASSET_ID=<asset-id>
Note: DataTrails will be transitioning to an event centric design, removing the need to create and reference Assets to hold collections of Events.
Event Creation
Define the Event parameters:
cat > /tmp/event.json <<EOF { "operation": "Record", "behaviour": "RecordEvidence", "event_attributes": { "arc_display_type": "Safety Conformance", "Safety Rating": "90", "inspector": "Clouseau" } } EOF
is the primary, default behavior for creating Events.
Add the request to the Asset record by POSTing it to the resource:
curl -X POST \ -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \ -H "Content-type: application/json" \ -d "@/tmp/event.json" \$ASSET_ID/events \ | jq
The response:
{ "identity": "assets/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/events/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "asset_identity": "assets/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "event_attributes": { "inspector": "Clouseau", "arc_display_type": "Safety Conformance", "Safety Rating": "90" }, "asset_attributes": {}, "operation": "Record", "behaviour": "RecordEvidence", "timestamp_declared": "2024-09-04T23:45:20Z", "timestamp_accepted": "2024-09-04T23:45:20Z", "timestamp_committed": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "principal_declared": { "issuer": "", "subject": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "display_name": "my-integration", "email": "" }, "principal_accepted": { "issuer": "", "subject": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "display_name": "my-integration", "email": "" }, "confirmation_status": "PENDING", "transaction_id": "", "block_number": 0, "transaction_index": 0, "from": "", "tenant_identity": "", "merklelog_entry": { "commit": null, "confirm": null, "unequivocal": null } }
To query the events jump to Fetch Specific Events by Identity
Document Profile Event Creation
There are two
Document Profile Events that are available as part of the document lifecycle. These are to publish
a new version and to withdraw
the document from use.
Define the Event parameters:
cat > /tmp/event.json <<EOF { "behaviour": "RecordEvidence", "operation": "Record", "asset_attributes": { "document_hash_value":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "document_hash_alg":"sha256", "document_status": "Published", "document_version":"2" }, "event_attributes": { "arc_description":"Publish version 2 of Test Document", "arc_display_type":"Publish", "document_version_authors": [ { "display_name": "George", "email": "" }, { "display_name": "Zippy", "email": "" }, { "display_name": "Bungle", "email": "" } ] } } EOF
Add the request to the Asset record by POSTing it to the resource:
curl -X POST \ -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \ -H "Content-type: application/json" \ -d "@/tmp/event.json" \$ASSET_ID/events \ | jq
The response:
{ "identity": "assets/xxxxxxxx/events/xxxxxxxx-xxxx", "asset_identity": "assets/xxxxxxxx-xxxx", "event_attributes": { "document_version_authors": [ { "display_name": "George", "email": "" }, { "display_name": "Zippy", "email": "" }, { "display_name": "Bungle", "email": "" } ], "arc_description": "Publish version 2 of Test Document", "arc_display_type": "Publish" }, "asset_attributes": { "document_status": "Published", "document_version": "2", "document_hash_value": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "document_hash_alg": "sha256" }, "operation": "Record", "behaviour": "RecordEvidence", "timestamp_declared": "2023-09-27T12:55:16Z", "timestamp_accepted": "2023-09-27T12:55:16Z", "timestamp_committed": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "principal_declared": { "issuer": "", "subject": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "display_name": "CustomIntegration", "email": "" }, "principal_accepted": { "issuer": "", "subject": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "display_name": "CustomIntegration", "email": "" }, "confirmation_status": "PENDING", "transaction_id": "", "block_number": 0, "transaction_index": 0, "from": "", "tenant_identity": "" }
Define the Event parameters:
cat > /tmp/event.json <<EOF { "behaviour": "RecordEvidence", "operation": "Record", "asset_attributes": { "document_status":"Withdrawn" }, "event_attributes": { "arc_description":"Withdraw the Test Document", "arc_display_type":"Withdraw" } } EOF
Add the request to the Asset record by POSTing it to the resource:
curl -X POST \ -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \ -H "Content-type: application/json" \ -d "@/tmp/event.json" \$ASSET_ID/events \ | jq
The response:
{ "identity": "assets/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/events/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "asset_identity": "assets/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "event_attributes": { "arc_description": "Withdraw the Test Document", "arc_display_type": "Withdraw" }, "asset_attributes": { "document_status": "Withdrawn" }, "operation": "Record", "behaviour": "RecordEvidence", "timestamp_declared": "2023-09-27T13:08:32Z", "timestamp_accepted": "2023-09-27T13:08:32Z", "timestamp_committed": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "principal_declared": { "issuer": "", "subject": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "display_name": "CustomIntegration", "email": "" }, "principal_accepted": { "issuer": "", "subject": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "display_name": "CustomIntegration", "email": "" }, "confirmation_status": "PENDING", "transaction_id": "", "block_number": 0, "transaction_index": 0, "from": "", "tenant_identity": "" }
Adding Attachments
The following assumes that an attachment has already been uploaded to DataTrails using the Blob API.
This attachment uuid is generically referred to as:
Each attachment has an associated hash value and the name of the hash algorithm used that you can also get from the Blob API response.
After uploading the content, use the
"arc_attribute_type": "arc_attachment"
key-value pair within a dictionary of blob information to add the attachment to the > /tmp/event.json <<EOF { "operation": "Record", "behaviour": "RecordEvidence", "event_attributes": { "arc_display_type": "Safety Conformance", "arc_description": "Safety conformance approved for version 1.6. See attached conformance report", "arc_evidence": "DVA Conformance Report attached", "conformance_report": { "arc_attribute_type": "arc_attachment", "arc_blob_hash_value": "$BLOB_HASH", "arc_blob_identity": "blobs/$BLOB_ID", "arc_blob_hash_alg": "SHA256", "arc_file_name": "safety_conformance.pdf", "arc_display_name": "Conformance Report" }, "arc_primary_image": { "arc_attribute_type": "arc_attachment", "arc_blob_hash_value": "$BLOB_HASH", "arc_blob_identity": "blobs/$BLOB_ID", "arc_blob_hash_alg": "SHA256", "arc_file_name": "photo.jpg", "arc_display_name": "arc_primary_image" } }, "timestamp_declared": "2019-11-27T14:44:19Z", "principal_declared": { "issuer": "", "subject": "phil.b", "email": "" } } EOF
Add the request to the Asset Record by POSTing it to the resource:
curl -X POST \ -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \ -H "Content-type: application/json" \ -d "@/tmp/event.json" \$ASSET_ID/events \ | jq
The response:
{ "identity": "assets/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/events/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "asset_identity": "assets/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "operation": "Record", "behaviour": "RecordEvidence", "event_attributes": { "arc_display_type": "Safety Conformance", "arc_description": "Safety conformance approved for version 1.6. See attached conformance report", "arc_evidence": "DVA Conformance Report attached", "conformance_report": { "arc_attribute_type": "arc_attachment", "arc_blob_hash_value": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "arc_blob_identity": "blobs/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "arc_blob_hash_alg": "SHA256", "arc_file_name": "safety_conformance.pdf", "arc_display_name": "Conformance Report", }, "arc_primary_image": { "arc_attribute_type": "arc_attachment", "arc_blob_hash_value": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "arc_blob_identity": "blobs/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "arc_blob_hash_alg": "SHA256", "arc_file_name": "safety_conformance.pdf", "arc_display_name": "Conformance Report", }, }, "timestamp_accepted": "2019-11-27T15:13:21Z", "timestamp_declared": "2019-11-27T14:44:19Z", "timestamp_committed": "2019-11-27T15:15:02Z", "principal_declared": { "issuer": "", "subject": "phil.b", "email": "" }, "principal_accepted": { "issuer": "job.idp.server/1234", "subject": "bob@job" }, "confirmation_status": "COMMITTED", "block_number": 12, "transaction_index": 5, "transaction_id": "0x07569" }
Event Record Retrieval
Event records in DataTrails are tokenized at creation time and referred to in all future API calls by a permanent unique identity of the form:
If you do not know the Event’s identity you can fetch Event records using other information you do know.
Fetch All Events
To fetch all Event records, simply
the Events resources:curl -X GET \ -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \ "" \ | jq
Fetch Events for a Specific Asset
If you know the unique identity of the Asset record simply
the resource:curl -X GET \ -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \ "$ASSET_ID/events?page_size=5" \ | jq
Fetch Specific Events by Identity
If you know the unique identity of the Asset and Event record simply
the resource:curl -X GET \ -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \ "$ASSET_ID/events/$EVENT_ID" \ | jq
Fetch Event by Type
To fetch all Events of a specific type,
the Events resource and filter onarc_display_type
:curl -g -X GET \ -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \ "" \ | jq
Fetch Event by Asset Attribute
To fetch all Events of a specific Asset attribute,
the Events resource and filter onasset_attributes
at the Asset level:curl -g -X GET \ -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \ "" \ | jq
Fetch Events by Filtering for Presence of a Field
To fetch all Events with a field set to any value,
the Events resource and filter on most available fields. For example:curl -g -X GET \ -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \ "*&page_size=5" \ | jq
Returns all Events which have
that is not empty.
Fetch Events Which are Missing a Field
To fetch all Events with a field which is not set to any value,
the Events resource and filter on most available fields. For example:curl -g -X GET \ -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \ "!=*&page_size=5" \ | jq
Returns all Events which do not have
or in whicharc_display_type
is empty.
Fetch Events by Minimum Confirmation Status
To fetch all Events with a specified confirmation status or higher,
the Events resource and filter onminimum_trust
.curl -g -X GET \ -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \ "" \ | jq
To fetch all Events which have a
level of COMMITTED, CONFIRMED or UNEQUIVOCAL.curl -g -X GET \ -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \ "" \ | jq
Returns all Events which have a
Events OpenAPI Docs
API for asset and event management.
get /archivist/v2/assets
List Assets
Description: Retrieves a list of Assets
"assets": [
"at_time": "2019-11-27T14:44:19Z",
"attributes": {
"arc_display_name": "My Garden Fence",
"arc_display_type": "Garden Fence",
"colour": "Plain wood"
"behaviours": [
"confirmation_status": "PENDING",
"identity": "assets/add30235-1424-4fda-840a-d5ef82c4c96f",
"owner": "0x601f5A7D3e6dcB55e87bf2F17bC8A27AaCD3511",
"proof_mechanism": "MERKLE_LOG",
"public": false,
"tenant_identity": "tenant/8e0b600c-8234-43e4-860c-e95bdcd695a9",
"tracked": "TRACKED"
"at_time": "2019-11-27T14:44:19Z",
"attributes": {
"arc_display_name": "My IoT Device",
"arc_display_type": "IoT Device",
"arc_firmware_version": "3.2.1"
"behaviours": [
"confirmation_status": "PENDING",
"identity": "assets/cef61346-2453-5aeb-921c-e6fa93d5b032",
"owner": "0x601f5A7D3e6dcB55e87bf2F17bC8A27AaCD3511",
"proof_mechanism": "MERKLE_LOG",
"public": false,
"tenant_identity": "tenant/8e0b600c-8234-43e4-860c-e95bdcd695a9",
"tracked": "TRACKED"
"next_page_token": "abcd"
Response Parameter | Type | Description |
assets | array | This describes an Asset. |
next_page_token | string | Token to retrieve the next page of results or empty if there are none. |
Responses | Description |
200 | A successful response. |
206 | The number of assets exceeds the servers limit. The approximate number of matching results is provided by the x-total-count header if the ‘x-request-total-count’ header on the request is set to ’true’. The exact limit is available in the content-range header. The value format is ‘items 0-LIMIT/TOTAL’. Note that x-total-count is always present for 200 and 206 responses. It is the servers best available approximation. Similarly, in any result set, you may get a few more than LIMIT items. |
401 | Returned when the user is not authenticated to the system. |
403 | Returned when the user is not authorized to list Assets. |
429 | Returned when a user exceeds their subscription’s rate limit for requests. |
post /archivist/v2/assets
Create an Asset
Description: Creates an Asset
"attributes": {
"arc_display_name": "My Garden Fence",
"arc_display_type": "Garden Fence",
"colour": "Plain wood"
"behaviours": [
"proof_mechanism": "MERKLE_LOG",
"public": false
Parameter | Type | Description |
attributes | object | key value mapping of event attributes |
behaviours | array | list of behaviours enabled for this asset |
chain_id | string | chain id of the blockchain associated with this asset |
proof_mechanism | string | specify the mechanism used to provide evidential proof for Events on this Asset |
public | boolean | Public asset. A public asset and all its events are visible to the general public.Sharing to specific organisations is not available for public assets. |
"at_time": "2019-11-27T14:44:19Z",
"attributes": {
"arc_display_name": "My Garden Fence",
"arc_display_type": "Garden Fence",
"colour": "Plain wood"
"behaviours": [
"confirmation_status": "PENDING",
"identity": "assets/add30235-1424-4fda-840a-d5ef82c4c96f",
"owner": "0x601f5A7D3e6dcB55e87bf2F17bC8A27AaCD3511",
"proof_mechanism": "MERKLE_LOG",
"public": false,
"tenant_identity": "tenant/8e0b600c-8234-43e4-860c-e95bdcd695a9",
"tracked": "TRACKED"
Response Parameter | Type | Description |
at_time | string | indicates time the asset data is from |
attributes | object | key value mapping of asset properties |
behaviours | array | list of behaviours enabled for this asset |
chain_id | string | chain id of the blockchain associated with this asset |
confirmation_status | string | indicates if the asset has been succesfully committed to the blockchain |
identity | string | relative resource address assets/{UUID} |
owner | string | wallet address of the asset owner |
proof_mechanism | string | the mechanism used to provide evidential proof |
public | boolean | Public asset |
tenant_identity | string | Identity of the tenant the that created this asset |
tracked | string | indicates whether asset is still being tracked in the system |
Responses | Description |
200 | A successful response. |
401 | Returned when the user is not authenticated to the system. |
402 | Returned when the number of assets would exceed the user’s quota |
403 | Returned when the user is not authorized to create an Asset. |
429 | Returned when a user exceeds their subscription’s rate limit for requests. |
get /archivist/v2/assets/{asset_uuid}/events/{uuid}
Retrieves Event
Description: Retrieves a specific Event
"asset_attributes": {
"colour": "Midnight Blue"
"asset_identity": "assets/add30235-1424-4fda-840a-d5ef82c4c96f",
"behaviour": "RecordEvidence",
"block_number": 12,
"confirmation_status": "CONFIRMED",
"event_attributes": {
"arc_description": "Painted the fence",
"arc_display_type": "Paint"
"identity": "assets/add30235-1424-4fda-840a-d5ef82c4c96f/events/11bf5b37-e0b8-42e0-8dcf-dc8c4aefc000",
"operation": "Record",
"principal_accepted": {
"issuer": "job.idp.server/1234",
"subject": "bob@job"
"principal_declared": {
"issuer": "job.idp.server/1234",
"subject": "bob@job"
"tenant_identity": "tenant/8e0b600c-8234-43e4-860c-e95bdcd695a9",
"timestamp_accepted": "2019-11-27T14:44:19Z",
"timestamp_committed": "2019-11-27T14:44:19Z",
"timestamp_declared": "2019-11-27T14:44:19Z",
"transaction_id": "0x07569",
"transaction_index": 5
Response Parameter | Type | Description |
asset_attributes | object | key value mapping of asset attributes |
asset_identity | string | identity of a related asset resource assets/11bf5b37-e0b8-42e0-8dcf-dc8c4aefc000 |
behaviour | string | The behaviour used to create event. RecordEvidence |
block_number | string | number of block event was commited on |
confirmation_status | string | indicates if the event has been succesfully committed to the blockchain |
event_attributes | object | key value mapping of event attributes |
from | string | wallet address for the creator of this event |
identity | string | identity of a event resource |
merklelog_entry | object | verifiable merkle mmr log entry details |
operation | string | The operation represented by the event. Record |
principal_accepted | object | principal recorded by the server |
principal_declared | object | principal provided by the user |
tenant_identity | string | Identity of the tenant the that created this event |
timestamp_accepted | string | time of event as recorded by the server |
timestamp_committed | string | time of event as recorded in verifiable storage |
timestamp_declared | string | time of event as declared by the user |
transaction_id | string | hash of the transaction as a hex string 0x11bf5b37e0b842e08dcfdc8c4aefc000 |
transaction_index | string | index of event within commited block |
Responses | Description |
200 | A successful response. |
401 | Returned when the user is not authenticated to the system. |
403 | Returned when the user is not authorized to view Event. |
404 | Returned when the event does not exist. |
429 | Returned when a user exceeds their subscription’s rate limit for requests. |
get /archivist/v2/assets/{asset_uuid}/events/{uuid}:publicurl
Retrieves the public url for a specific Event.
Description: Retrieves the public url for a specific Event.
"publicurl": ""
Response Parameter | Type | Description |
publicurl | string |
Responses | Description |
200 | A successful response. |
401 | Returned when the user is not authenticated to the system. |
403 | Returned when the user is not authorized to view an Asset. |
404 | Returned when the asset with the id does not exist. |
429 | Returned when a user exceeds their subscription’s rate limit for requests. |
get /archivist/v2/assets/{uuid}
Retrieves a specific Asset
Description: Retrieves a specific Asset
"at_time": "2019-11-27T14:44:19Z",
"attributes": {
"arc_display_name": "My Garden Fence",
"arc_display_type": "Garden Fence",
"colour": "Plain wood"
"behaviours": [
"confirmation_status": "PENDING",
"identity": "assets/add30235-1424-4fda-840a-d5ef82c4c96f",
"owner": "0x601f5A7D3e6dcB55e87bf2F17bC8A27AaCD3511",
"proof_mechanism": "MERKLE_LOG",
"public": false,
"tenant_identity": "tenant/8e0b600c-8234-43e4-860c-e95bdcd695a9",
"tracked": "TRACKED"
Response Parameter | Type | Description |
at_time | string | indicates time the asset data is from |
attributes | object | key value mapping of asset properties |
behaviours | array | list of behaviours enabled for this asset |
chain_id | string | chain id of the blockchain associated with this asset |
confirmation_status | string | indicates if the asset has been succesfully committed to the blockchain |
identity | string | relative resource address assets/{UUID} |
owner | string | wallet address of the asset owner |
proof_mechanism | string | the mechanism used to provide evidential proof |
public | boolean | Public asset |
tenant_identity | string | Identity of the tenant the that created this asset |
tracked | string | indicates whether asset is still being tracked in the system |
Responses | Description |
200 | A successful response. |
401 | Returned when the user is not authenticated to the system. |
403 | Returned when the user is not authorized to view an Asset. |
404 | Returned when the asset with the id does not exist. |
429 | Returned when a user exceeds their subscription’s rate limit for requests. |
get /archivist/v2/assets/{uuid}/events
List Events
Description: Lists Events
"events": [
"asset_attributes": {
"colour": "Midnight Blue"
"asset_identity": "assets/add30235-1424-4fda-840a-d5ef82c4c96f",
"behaviour": "RecordEvidence",
"block_number": 12,
"confirmation_status": "CONFIRMED",
"event_attributes": {
"arc_description": "Painted the fence",
"arc_display_type": "Paint"
"identity": "assets/add30235-1424-4fda-840a-d5ef82c4c96f/events/11bf5b37-e0b8-42e0-8dcf-dc8c4aefc000",
"operation": "Record",
"principal_accepted": {
"issuer": "job.idp.server/1234",
"subject": "bob@job"
"principal_declared": {
"issuer": "job.idp.server/1234",
"subject": "bob@job"
"tenant_identity": "tenant/8e0b600c-8234-43e4-860c-e95bdcd695a9",
"timestamp_accepted": "2019-11-27T14:44:19Z",
"timestamp_committed": "2019-11-27T14:44:19Z",
"timestamp_declared": "2019-11-27T14:44:19Z",
"transaction_id": "0x07569",
"transaction_index": 5
"asset_attributes": {
"arc_firmware_version": "3.2.1"
"asset_identity": "assets/bf330235-1424-4fda-840a-d5ef82c4c96f",
"behaviour": "RecordEvidence",
"block_number": 13,
"confirmation_status": "CONFIRMED",
"event_attributes": {
"arc_display_type": "Update Firmware"
"identity": "assets/bf330235-1424-4fda-840a-d5ef82c4c96f/events/23c06c48-e0b8-42e0-8dcf-dc8c4fdad123",
"operation": "Record",
"principal_accepted": {
"issuer": "job.idp.server/1234",
"subject": "bob@job"
"principal_declared": {
"issuer": "job.idp.server/1234",
"subject": "bob@job"
"tenant_identity": "tenant/8e0b600c-8234-43e4-860c-e95bdcd695a9",
"timestamp_accepted": "2019-07-27T14:44:19Z",
"timestamp_committed": "2019-07-27T14:44:19Z",
"timestamp_declared": "2019-07-27T14:44:19Z",
"transaction_id": "0x12569",
"transaction_index": 6
"next_page_token": "abcd"
Response Parameter | Type | Description |
events | array | This describes an Event. |
next_page_token | string | Token to retrieve the next page of results or empty if there are none. |
Responses | Description |
200 | A successful response. |
206 | The number of events exceeds the servers limit. The approximate number of matching results is provided by the x-total-count header, the exact limit is available in the content-range header. The value format is ‘items 0-LIMIT/TOTAL’. Note that x-total-count is always present for 200 and 206 responses. It is the servers best available approximation. Similarly, in any result set, you may get a few more than LIMIT items. |
401 | Returned when the user is not authenticated to the system. |
403 | Returned when the user is not authorized to list Events. |
429 | Returned when a user exceeds their subscription’s rate limit for requests. |
post /archivist/v2/assets/{uuid}/events
Creates an Event
Description: Creates an Event
"asset_attributes": {
"colour": "Midnight Blue"
"behaviour": "RecordEvidence",
"event_attributes": {
"arc_description": "Painted the fence",
"arc_display_type": "Paint"
"operation": "Record"
Parameter | Type | Description |
asset_attributes | object | key value mapping of asset attributes |
behaviour | string | |
event_attributes | object | key value mapping of event attributes |
operation | string | |
principal_declared | ||
timestamp_declared | string | time of event as declared by the user |
"asset_attributes": {
"colour": "Midnight Blue"
"asset_identity": "assets/add30235-1424-4fda-840a-d5ef82c4c96f",
"behaviour": "RecordEvidence",
"block_number": 12,
"confirmation_status": "CONFIRMED",
"event_attributes": {
"arc_description": "Painted the fence",
"arc_display_type": "Paint"
"identity": "assets/add30235-1424-4fda-840a-d5ef82c4c96f/events/11bf5b37-e0b8-42e0-8dcf-dc8c4aefc000",
"operation": "Record",
"principal_accepted": {
"issuer": "job.idp.server/1234",
"subject": "bob@job"
"principal_declared": {
"issuer": "job.idp.server/1234",
"subject": "bob@job"
"tenant_identity": "tenant/8e0b600c-8234-43e4-860c-e95bdcd695a9",
"timestamp_accepted": "2019-11-27T14:44:19Z",
"timestamp_committed": "2019-11-27T14:44:19Z",
"timestamp_declared": "2019-11-27T14:44:19Z",
"transaction_id": "0x07569",
"transaction_index": 5
Response Parameter | Type | Description |
asset_attributes | object | key value mapping of asset attributes |
asset_identity | string | identity of a related asset resource assets/11bf5b37-e0b8-42e0-8dcf-dc8c4aefc000 |
behaviour | string | The behaviour used to create event. RecordEvidence |
block_number | string | number of block event was commited on |
confirmation_status | string | indicates if the event has been succesfully committed to the blockchain |
event_attributes | object | key value mapping of event attributes |
from | string | wallet address for the creator of this event |
identity | string | identity of a event resource |
merklelog_entry | object | verifiable merkle mmr log entry details |
operation | string | The operation represented by the event. Record |
principal_accepted | object | principal recorded by the server |
principal_declared | object | principal provided by the user |
tenant_identity | string | Identity of the tenant the that created this event |
timestamp_accepted | string | time of event as recorded by the server |
timestamp_committed | string | time of event as recorded in verifiable storage |
timestamp_declared | string | time of event as declared by the user |
transaction_id | string | hash of the transaction as a hex string 0x11bf5b37e0b842e08dcfdc8c4aefc000 |
transaction_index | string | index of event within commited block |
Responses | Description |
200 | A successful response. |
401 | Returned when the user is not authenticated to the system. |
402 | Returned when the user’s quota of Events has been reached. |
429 | Returned when a user exceeds their subscription’s rate limit for requests. |
get /archivist/v2/assets/{uuid}:publicurl
Retrieves the public url for a specific Asset.
Description: Retrieves the public url for a specific Asset.
"publicurl": ""
Response Parameter | Type | Description |
publicurl | string |
Responses | Description |
200 | A successful response. |
401 | Returned when the user is not authenticated to the system. |
403 | Returned when the user is not authorized to view an Asset. |
404 | Returned when the asset with the id does not exist. |
429 | Returned when a user exceeds their subscription’s rate limit for requests. |