Tenancies API

Tenancies API Reference

Note: This page is primarily intended for developers who will be writing applications that will use DataTrails for provenance. If you are looking for a simple way to test our API you might prefer our Postman collection, the YAML runner or the Developers section of the web UI.

Additional YAML examples can be found in the articles in the Overview section.

The tenancies API is used to manage the configuration of your tenant. This is typically done from within the product, but its possible to retrieve and modify some configs programatically.

Tenancies OpenAPI Docs

API to manage tenancies

get  /archivist/v1/tenancies/self

Get tenant record

Description: Returns an administrator’s view of tenant for which they’re authenticated

  "display_name": "My First Tenancy",
  "enterprise_sso_config": {
    "client_id": "foo",
    "client_secret": "",
    "config_url": "foo",
    "issuer": "foo",
    "policy_id": "foo"
  "enterprise_sso_enabled": true,
  "identity": "tenant/08838336-c357-460d-902a-3aba9528dd22",
  "verified_domain": "foo.com"
Response ParameterTypeDescription
display_namestringCustomer friendly name for the tenant.
identitystringtenant identity {UUID}
200A successful response.
400Supplied parameters were invalid
401Returned when the user is not authenticated to the system.
403Returned when the user is not authorized to retrieve the tenant id.

patch  /archivist/v1/tenancies/self

Update tenant record

Description: Enables a root principal of the tenant to update the tenant record.

  "display_name": "My First Tenancy",
  "enterprise_sso_config": {
    "client_id": "foo",
    "client_secret": "",
    "config_url": "foo",
    "issuer": "foo",
    "policy_id": "foo"
  "enterprise_sso_enabled": true,
  "identity": "tenant/08838336-c357-460d-902a-3aba9528dd22",
  "verified_domain": "foo.com"
Response ParameterTypeDescription
display_namestringCustomer friendly name for the tenant.
identitystringtenant identity {UUID}
200A successful response.
400Returned when the request is badly formed.
401Returned when the user is not authenticated to the system.
403Returned when the user is not authorized to perform this action.
404Returned when the referenced tenant does not exist.

get  /archivist/v1/tenancies/{uuid}:publicinfo

Public Tenant Information.

Description: Return the publically avaialble tenant information.

  "identity": "tenant/add30235-1424-4fda-840a-d5ef82c4c96f",
  "verified_domain": "exampleltd"
Response ParameterTypeDescription
200A successful response.