Creating Access Tokens Using a Custom Integration

Creating Access Tokens for DataTrails

Non-interactive access to the DataTrails platform is managed by creating Integrations with either a Custom Integration or one of the built-in Integrations. This is done using either the Settings or Integrations menus in the DataTrails UI or by using the App Registrations API directly.

Note: App Registration is the old name for a Custom Integration.

Custom Integrations have a CLIENT_ID and a SECRET, these are used to authenticate with DataTrails IAM endpoints using JSON Web Tokens (JWT).

DataTrails authentication uses the industry-standard OIDC Client Credentials Flow.

The high level steps are:

  1. Create an Integration in the UI
  2. Define access permissions for the Integration in the UI
  3. Request an Access Token using the API
  4. Use the Access Token to make a REST API call to your tenancy.

Creating a Custom Integration

If you have already saved a CLIENT_ID and a SECRET, with the correct permissions applied, skip to Getting a Token With the Custom Integration

Note: Creating App Registrations requires Tenancy Administrator privileges.
If Settings or Integrations does not appear in the navigation, see your DataTrails Administrator for access.

Using the DataTrails App to Create an Integration (First-Time Setup)

  1. As an Administrator, open the DataTrails App

  2. Navigate to Integrations on the sidebar

  3. This opens Settings with the Integrations tab automatically selected

    Navigate to Settings, then Integration

  4. Click the Custom box to create a Custom Integration

  5. Enter any Display Name you’d like

    Completed Web Registration

    Note: Optionally add any Custom claims at this step by clicking the + Add button.
    In this context, claims are pieces of information that are asserted in a JSON Web Token (JWT). Registered claims are name/value pairs that are defined by the JWT standard, Custom claims are not defined and can have any name/value combination.

    Ensure the Name does not start with jit_ or arc_ (DataTrails reserved names) or use any other well-known reserved claims.

    See here for more information on JWT Claims

  6. Once complete, click Confirm to complete the custom integration

  7. You will then be presented with the CLIENT_ID and SECRET required by the archivist token endpoint

    Record your Client ID and Secret
    Caution: Save the CLIENT_ID and SECRET to a password manager or secret management service as the SECRET can not be viewed again. A new SECRET can be regenerated in the Integration configuration screen but this replaces and invalidates the previous SECRET.

Grant Access Permissions to your Custom Integration

In this section we will give your Custom Integration permission to access the Assets, their attributes, and Events that have been recorded in your tenancy.

Integrations are secured by default, with no read or write permissions within your DataTrails Tenancy. This is is important because the alternative would be to allow read/write access to all Assets and Events by default which opens the risk that an application could be maliciously altered to make changes that would not be permitted by the Tenancy Administrator.

The steps below show how to create and assign an Access Policy to control the ability to create and read DataTrails information.
For convenience we will grant full access rights to the customer integration in this example. Please see this article for information on setting up more finely controlled access.

  1. Navigate to Access Policies on the sidebar
    Access Policies
  2. Click CREATE POLICY, setting the Name and Asset Types=* for all types
    Note: Asset types can be filtered as needed. List existing Asset Types by typing at least two characters of a known type
    Create Access Policy Form
  3. Click Permissions to set a scope for the policy
  4. Set Actors to the CLIENT_ID of the Custom Integration
    • User
    • Subject Identifier
    • Paste the CLIENT_ID from the previous step
      Filter on User by Subject Identifier using the CLIENT_ID
  5. Set Attribute Access and Event Visibility to All
    Note: Each policy can be configured with multiple access rights
    Set Attribute Access and Event Visibility
  6. Click the ADD PERMISSION GROUP to save the configuration of this policy
  7. Click the CREATE POLICY to complete the creation of this policy

Getting a Token With the Custom Integration

Having completed the steps to create a custom integration and grant access permissions, and having taken note of the CLIENT_ID and the SECRET, a token can be obtained with the following command.

Note: To make things easy we will use local variables and files to store the credentials and token but you can use any method that you wish.
  1. Save the CLIENT_ID and SECRET saved from above, to local variables

    Note: Remember that you can regenerate the secret but this will invalidate the previous credentials which may be being used by other applications. Also note the environment variables below have been namespaced for DataTrails, as you may have CLIENT_ID and SECRETs for other services.

    export DATATRAILS_CLIENT_ID=your_id
    export DATATRAILS_CLIENT_SECRET=your_secret
  2. Generate a token using your pre-existing Custom Integration details, saving to a RESPONSE variable

    RESPONSE=$(curl \ \
        --data-urlencode "grant_type=client_credentials" \
        --data-urlencode "client_id=${DATATRAILS_CLIENT_ID}" \
        --data-urlencode "client_secret=${DATATRAILS_CLIENT_SECRET}")
    # Save the base64 encoded `JWT` using `jq` to find `.access_token`
    TOKEN=$(echo -n $RESPONSE | jq -r .access_token)
    # Create a Bearer Token file for reference by `curl`
    # in an `./datatrails/` directory
    mkdir -p $HOME/.datatrails
    chmod 0700 $HOME/.datatrails
    # Create the Bearer Token
    echo Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN > $HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt
    cat $HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt

Testing Token Creation

You can test access to the DataTrails API using any of the standard API calls. GETing Assets is a simple test.

If successful, you will see a list of the assets the Integration has access to in the tenancy.

Note: This may be an empty response if no assets are being shared with the Integration because an Access Policy has not been created for it; this is an expected secure by default behavior.

Otherwise, check the Assets OpenAPI Reference for more detailed information on the response codes you may expect if authentication fails and what they mean.

View Existing Assets

To test the creation of the Custom integration and the configuration of the bearer token file (bearer-token.txt), query the assets API

curl -X GET -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \ | jq

If you have existing assets, the output will be similar to:

  "assets": [
      "identity": "assets/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "behaviours": [
      "attributes": {
        "length": "40'",
        "weight": "20000-lbs",
        "width": "8'",
        "arc_description": "A shipping container being tracked",
        "arc_display_name": "New Shipping Container #1",
        "arc_display_type": "Shipping Container",
        "arc_home_location_identity": "locations/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "height": "8'"
      "confirmation_status": "COMMITTED",
      "tracked": "TRACKED",
      "owner": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "at_time": "2023-09-22T03:39:46Z",
      "storage_integrity": "TENANT_STORAGE",
      "chain_id": "8275868384",
      "public": false,
      "tenant_identity": "tenant/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  "next_page_token": ""

If the output is an empty structure, you may either not have any assets, or misconfigured the Access Policy.

  "assets": [],
  "next_page_token": ""

In the DataTrails App, Navigate to Assets confirm existing assets. If assets exist, confirm the DATATRAILS_CLIENT_ID, DATATRAILS_CLIENT_SECRET and Access Policy are configured and referenced properly.

Troubleshooting Token Generation

The header and payload of the TOKEN may be examined with the following commands. This is useful when investigating if tokens contain the correct custom claims or tokens that may appear malformed.

Warning: Decoding tokens with an online service exposes details about your DataTrails token credentials. Remember to regenerate the credentials when troubleshooting is complete.
  1. View the Header

    echo -n $TOKEN | cut -d '.' -f 1 | base64 -d | jq

    Generates output similar to:

      "alg": "RS256",
      "typ": "at+jwt",
      "kid": "devidp"
  2. View the Payload

    echo -n $TOKEN | cut -d '.' -f 2 | base64 -d | jq

    Generates output similar to:

      "jit_tenant_id": "tenant/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "name": "my-token",
      "jit_tier": "FREE",
      "jti": "CCIH_QsZsM6FKzwBR6L5Z",
      "sub": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "iat": 1695254038,
      "exp": 1695257698,
      "client_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "iss": "",
      "aud": ""