SCITT vCon Template

Register SCITT Signed Statements for vCon Updates

vCons safely and securely carry conversations from the network elements that create them to the applications that analyze them, enabling responsible management of the most personal of data. Recording the current state of a vCon on a SCITT Transparency Service secures the integrity and inclusion of the vCon from tampering or deleting a specific version.

This template provides a standard set of COSE Headers and mapping to vCons, providing integrity and inclusion protection while mitigating potential PII concerns.

The Supply Chain Integrity, Transparency and Trust (SCITT) initiative is a set of IETF standards for managing the compliance and auditability of goods and services across end-to-end supply chains. SCITT supports the ongoing verification of goods and services where the authenticity of entities, evidence, policy, and artifacts can be assured and the actions of entities can be guaranteed to be authorized, non-repudiable, immutable, and auditable.

The following provides a template for securing a vCon with a SCITT Signed Statement.


Template Version 0.3.0

vCon Signed Statement Example

The following example highlights a typical SCITT Signed Statement, based on a vCon:

COSE Hash Envelope and COSE Meta-Map have not yet been assigned COSE Header labels.

The following private labels are being used until allocation has been made:

NameLabelValue Type
payload_preimage_content_type-6802int / tstr
meta-map-6804{ * tstr=> tstr }


Signed_Statement = #6.18(COSE_Sign1)
Receipt = #6.18(COSE_Sign1)

COSE_Sign1 = [
  protected   : bstr .cbor Protected_Header,
  unprotected : bstr .cbor Unprotected_Header,
  payload     : bstr / nil,
  signature   : bstr

Protected_Header = {
  &(CWT_Claims: 15) => CWT_Claims
  ? &(alg: 1) => int
  ? &(payload_hash_alg: -6800) => int
  ? &(payload_preimage_content_type: -6802) => tstr / uint
  ? &(payload_location: -6801) => tstr
  ? &(kid: 4) => bstr
  ? &(x5t: 34) => COSE_CertHash
  ? &(meta-map: -6804) => meta-map
  * int => any

CWT_Claims = {
  &(iss: 1) => tstr
  &(sub: 2) => tstr
  * int => any

meta-map = {
    * tstr=> tstr

Unprotected_Header = {
  ? &(x5chain: 33) => COSE_X509
  ? &(receipts: 394)  => [+ Receipt]
  * int => any


{                               / Protected                     /
   16: 'application/hash+cose'  / type                          /
    1: -7, (ECDSA w/ SHA-256)   / Algorithm                     /
    4: h'50685f55...50523255',  / Key identifier                /
-6800:-16 (SHA-256)             / payload-hash-alg              /
-6801: 'application/vcon+json', / payload_preimage_content_type /
-6802: 'vcon.service/2aefaaf9',/ Statement Location            /
-6804:[                          meta-map (* tstr => tstr)      /
        0: 'conserver_link":         'scitt',
        0: 'conserver_link_name":    'scitt_created',
        0: 'conserver_link_version": '0.3.0',
        0: 'timestamp_declared":     '2024-05-07T16:33:29.004994',
        0: 'vcon_operation":         'vcon_create',
        0: 'vcon_draft_version":     '01',
        0: 'scitt_draft_version":     '10'
   15: {                        / CWT Claims                    /
     1: '',          / Issuer                        /
     2: 'vcon://2aefaaf9,     / Subject                       /

COSE Headers

The following maps vCon properties to SCITT COSE Header properties.

payload (REQUIRED)

The hash of the vCon as it’s recorded on the SCITT Transparency Service. Setting the payload_hash_alg indicates the payload is a hash of content in payload_preimage_content_type format, using the payload_hash_alg algorithm.

payload, payload_hash_alg and payload_preimage_content_type originate from the IETF Draft: COSE Hash Envelope.

payload_hash_alg (REQUIRED)

The hash algorithm used to hash the vCon. Currently, this is SHA-256, but should be sourced by the vCon object to support agility.

payload_preimage_content_type (REQUIRED)

The property name comes from draft-ietf-cose-hash-envelope, representing the content-type of the vCon, prior to hashing.

Section 5.3.1 of vCon 01 specifies application/vcon. There is vcon issue, and discussion for using application/vcon+json

subject (REQUIRED)

The vCon unique identifier (uuid).

meta-map key/value pairs

The following values are added to the Protected Header meta-map, providing enough information to validate the inclusion and integrity protection of a vCon, providing audit and debugging insight, without risk of personally identifiable information (PII) being maintained.

  "conserver_link": "scitt",
  "conserver_link_name":  "scitt_created",
  "conserver_link_version": "0.3.0",
  "timestamp_declared": "2024-05-07T16:33:29.004994",
  "vcon_operation": "vcon_create",
  "vcon_draft_version": "01",
  "scitt_draft_version": "10"

The link type as named under the conserver links folder.

While optional, this value is useful for tracing and debugging, knowing the source of the statement, long after troubleshooting or auditing may be needed.

For the SCITT Conserver Link, this value would be scitt

vCons are processed by workflow pipelines that run multiple steps. In the conserver model, these are called chains which run one or more links. The conserver_link_name is the link as instanced and executed, different from the conserver_link which is the type name, that may be instanced 1 or more times.

Based on the conserver link implementation, this value is likely sourced from a conserver configuration: For debugging purposes, the vCon pipeline may wish to store the name of the pipeline. This property may prove to be redundant to the vcon_operation, however it’s proven helpful for tracing and debugging as the vcon_operation will likely turn into a standard set of lifetime values, while configuration will be unique to each instance.

    module: links.scitt
      api_url: ""
      vcon_operation: "vcon_created"
        type: "OIDC-client-credentials"
        token_endpoint: ""
        client_id: "<your_client_id>"
        client_secret: "<your_client_secret>"
    module: links.scitt
      api_url: ""
      vcon_operation: "vcon_consent_revoked"
        type: "OIDC-client-credentials"
        token_endpoint: ""
        client_id: "<your_client_id>"
        client_secret: "<your_client_secret>"

      - scitt_created
      - create_ingress
      - default_egress
    enabled: 1
      - scitt_consent_revoked
      - consent_ingress
      - default_egress
    enabled: 1

In the above configuration, depending on whether the create_chain or the consent_revoked_chain chain was instanced, conserver_link_name would equal: scitt_created or scitt_consent_revoked. In both instances, the conserver_link would be scitt.

The version of the conserver_link. This template applies to version 0.3.0

timestamp_declared (REQUIRED)

Set to vCon updated_at, capturing the datetime the vCon was updated. As vCon processing may take time, and the processing of various steps (Conserver links & chains), may create out of order entries to the ledger, capturing the updated time creates consistency across a set of independent operations. All entries related to the same vCon version (updated_at | hash), should likely be considered equal in timing.

vcon_operation (REQUIRED)

A SCITT Signed Statement should be created for each completed vCon operation. For every creation and update to a vCon, a SCITT Statement would seal the vCon, recording it on the ledger for inclusion and verification. The defined lifecycle events of a vCon will likely evolve with the standard. For now, the vcon_operation (string) is the placeholder.

vcon_draft_version (REQUIRED)

IETF vCon Draft version, providing interoperable stability within a draft version. This document is aligned with draft version 01

scitt_draft_version (REQUIRED)

IETF SCITT Draft version, providing interoperable stability within a draft version. This document is aligned with draft version 01

Verifying vCons

DataTrails provides several APIs for verifying the integrity and inclusion of changes to a vCons history. These changes are being proposed to the SCITT Reference API (SCRAPI).

We’ll also explore specific vCon scenarios, such as consent and revocation validation.

Retrieving All vCon Events

For each important operation performed on a vCon, a SCITT Signed Statement should be recorded.

To align with SCITT semantics, the vcon_uuid is set to the DataTrails subject event attribute. (event_attributes.subject)

To query the history of SCITT Signed Statements for a given vCon, use the following:

  • For bash/curl commands, configure the .datatrails/bearer-token.txt using the DataTrails Creating Access Tokens developer docs.

  • Query the collection of SCITT Signed Statements, using the subject attribute. Set the VCON env variable to the vcon_uuid

    curl -g -X GET -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \
      "$DATATRAILS_EVENTS_URL?event_attributes.subject=vcon://$VCON" \
      | jq
  • Verify Inclusions of a Specific vCon Hash

    curl -g -X GET -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \
      "$DATATRAILS_EVENTS_URL?event_attributes.subject=vcon://$VCON&event_attributes.payload_hash_alg=SHA-256&event_attributes.payload=$VCON_HASH" \
      | jq
  • Query Events for a Specific vCon for a Specific Operation

    curl -g -X GET -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \
      "$DATATRAILS_EVENTS_URL?event_attributes.subject=vcon://$VCON&event_attributes.vcon_operation=$VCON_OPERATION" \
      | jq
  • Query All Events for a Specific Operations

    curl -g -X GET -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \
      "$DATATRAILS_EVENTS_URL?event_attributes.vcon_operation=$VCON_OPERATION" \
      | jq
  • Limit Events Created by a Specific DataTrails Identity

    curl -g -X GET -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \
      "$DATATRAILS_EVENTS_URL?event_attributes.subject=vcon://$VCON&principal_declared.issuer=$PRINCIPAL" \
      | jq

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