Events YAML Runner

Event Actions Used with the Yaml Runner

Note: To use the YAML Runner you will need to install the datatrails-archivist python package.

Click here for installation instructions.

Events Create

The asset_label must match the setting when the Asset was created in an earlier step. The asset_label may also be specified as the Asset ID of an existing Asset, in the form assets/<asset-id>.

There are a few optional settings that can be used when creating Events. attachments uploads the attachment to DataTrails and the response is added to the Event before posting. location creates the location if it does not exist and adds it to the Event. The sbom setting uploads the SBOM to DataTrails and adds the response to the Event before posting.

confirm: true tells the YAML Runner to wait for the Event to be committed before moving to the next step.

For example:

  - step:
      action: EVENTS_CREATE
      description: Access Card, opens Courts of justice front door
      asset_label: Access Card
      print_response: true
    operation: Record
    behaviour: RecordEvidence
      arc_description: Opened Courts of Justice Paris Front Door
      arc_display_type: open
      arc_evidence: ARQC 0x12345678
      arc_correlation_value: be5c8061-236d-4400-a625-b74a34e5801b
      wavestone_door_name: Courts of Justice Paris Front Door
      wavestone_evt_type: door_open
        - display_name
        - attributes:
          - namespace
      display_name: Paris Courts of Justice
      description: Public museum in the former Palais de Justice
      latitude: 48.855722
      longitude: 2.345051
        namespace: door entry
        address: 10 Boulevard du Palais, 75001 Paris, France
        wavestone_ext: managed
      - filename: functests/test_resources/doors/events/door_open.png
        content_type: image/png
    confirm: true

This example creates an Event with custom Event attributes, creates and adds a location, and adds an image attachment.

Events may also be used to release a software package as an SBOM, such as the example below:

  - step:
      action: EVENTS_CREATE
      description: Release YYYYMMDD.1 of Test SBOM for YAML story
      asset_label: ACME Corporation Detector SAAS
      print_response: true
    operation: Record
    behaviour: RecordEvidence
    confirm: true
      arc_description: ACME Corporation Detector SAAS Released YYYYMMDD.1
      arc_display_type: Software Package Release
      filename: functests/test_resources/sbom/gen1.xml
      content_type: text/xml
      display_name: ACME Generation1 SBOM
      confirm: True
        privacy: PRIVATE

Events List

This action returns a list of all Events that meet your specified criteria. The asset_label can be identified as the friendly name of an Asset created in a previous step, or as an Asset ID for an existing Asset. If no asset_label is set, data for all Assets will be used.

Specifying props, attrs, and asset_attrs are optional criteria.

Setting print_response: true is necessary to print the full output.

The following example lists all “open door” Events for the Courts of Justice Paris Front Door:

  - step:
      action: EVENTS_LIST
      description: List all events for Courts of Justice Paris Front Door
      print_response: true
      asset_label: Courts of Justice Paris Front Door
      confirmation_status: COMMITTED
      arc_display_type: open
      arc_display_type: door

Events Count

This action returns a count of all Events that meet your specified criteria. The same criteria options available for Events List are possible. Setting print_response: true is necessary to print the full output.

The following example counts all “open door” Events for the Courts of Justice Paris Front Door:

  - step:
      action: EVENTS_COUNT
      description: List all events for Courts of Justice Paris Front Door
      print_response: true
      asset_label: Courts of Justice Paris Front Door
      confirmation_status: COMMITTED
      arc_display_type: open
      arc_display_type: door