Locations YAML Runner

Location Actions Used with the Yaml Runner

Note: To use the YAML Runner you will need to install the datatrails-archivist python package.

Click here for installation instructions.

Locations Create If Not Exists

This action checks to see if the location you are looking to create already exists, and if not, executes the creation of your new location. The action checks for a location with the same identifier to verify that the location does not already exist.

If this action is executed as part of a series of YAML Runner steps, the location created can be referenced in later steps using the key location_label.

When you create your location, you may also add location attributes. In the example below, information such as the facility address and type have been included, as well as contact information for the location’s reception:

  - step:
      description: Create Cape Town Location
      - display_name
      - attributes:
        - namespace
    display_name: Cape Town
    description: South Africa Office
    latitude: -33.92527778
    longitude: 18.42388889
      namespace: synsation industries
      address: Cape Town Downtown
      Facility Type: Satellite Office
      reception_email: reception_CT@synsation.io
      reception_phone: +27 (21) 123-456

Locations List

This action returns a list of all locations that meet your specified criteria. Setting print_response: true is necessary to print the full output.

  - step:
      action: LOCATIONS_LIST
      description: List locations for which John Smith is director
      print_response: true
      director: John Smith

Locations Count

This action returns a count of all locations that meet your specified criteria. Setting print_response: true is necessary to print the full output.

  - step:
      action: LOCATIONS_COUNT
      description: Count location for which John Smith is director
      print_response: true
      director: John Smith