Reserved Attributes

Reserved attributes are asset attributes that are used by the DataTrails platform and have a specific purpose. All reserved attributes have the arc_ prefix.

Select an attribute to see an example of it in use.

Asset Attributes

arc_descriptionbrief description of Asset or Event being recorded
arc_display_namefriendly name identifier for Assets, Events, and policies
arc_display_typeclassification of the type of Asset being traced that can be used for grouping or access control
arc_home_location_identityphysical location to which an Asset nominally ‘belongs’. NOT related to the Asset’s position in space. For that, use arc_gis_* (below)
arc_primary_imagean image attachment that will display as the thumbnail of an Asset

Asset-Event Attributes

arc_attribute_typeWhen set within a nested attribute, the value of "arc_attachment" identifies a reference to a DataTrails Blob
See arc_blob* attributes for more info
arc_blob_hash_valueWhen arc_attribute_type = "arc_attachment", the value must equal the hash value within the associated arc_blob_identity
arc_blob_identityA reference to a Blob
arc_blob_hash_algThe algorithm of the arc_blob_hash_value (eg: “SHA256”)
arc_descriptionbrief description of the Event being recorded
arc_display_typeclassification of the type of Event being performed that can be used for grouping or access control
arc_file_nameWhen arc_attribute_type = "arc_attachment", the file name of the blob.
arc_gis_lattags the Event as having happened at a particular latitude. Used in the DataTrails UI for mapping
arc_gis_lngtags the Event as having happened at a particular longitude. Used in the DataTrails UI for mapping
arc_primary_imagean image that displays as the thumbnail of the Event
timestamp_declareda user provided value for when the Asset Event was declared.
The value is recorded and integrity protected but not validated as the time is declared outside the scope of DataTrails.
The timestamp_declared can be useful when corelating with timestamp_accepted and timestamp_committed