Identity and Access Management

Setting Up Your DataTrails Tenancy

Tenancies and Accounts

Each DataTrails Tenancy represents an organization, and each DataTrails account represents an individual user. There may be multiple accounts within a Tenancy if there are several members within an organization. Additionally, an individual user can be part of multiple Tenancies.

How do I add users to my organization?

DataTrails Invites make it easy to add users to your tenancy.

As an administrator, create an invite and send it to the email address of the user you wish to add.

When the invitee signs up for their DataTrails account using the invited email address, they will be automatically added to your Tenancy.

On the Sidebar, select Settings.

Select 'Settings'

Choose the USERS tab, then click INVITE NEW USER.

Invite New User

Fill in the desired email and custom message. To finish, select SEND INVITE.

Enter Desired Details
This action is not yet available in the YAML Runner. Check out our UI or curl command options!

Fill in your desired details and run the command to send the invite.

curl -v -X POST \
    -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \
    -H "Content-type: application/json" \
    -d '{"message": "Join my DataTrails tenancy!", "email": ""}' \

See instructions for creating your BEARER_TOKEN_FILE here.

Can I name my tenancy?

Tenant Display Name

There are two ways to name your DataTrails Tenancy. The first way is to add a Tenant Display Name. This name will be displayed only within your own Tenancy, and will not be visible to outside organizations. The display name makes it easy to identify which Tenancy you’re currently working in and to switch between Tenancies if you are part of multiple Tenancies.

To set your Tenant Display Name:

  1. On the Sidebar, select Settings
    Select 'Settings'
  2. Add your desired name, then click CHANGE DISPLAY NAME
    Change Display Name

Verified Domain

The second way to set your tenancy name is to get your domain verified by the DataTrails team. Your verified domain name will be visible to the people you share information with and will be publicly available if you create a Public Asset.

Enterprise Single Sign-On

Enterprise customers may use their preferred Identity Provider (IDP) to sign-on to DataTrails. Before doing so, you must have a Verified Domain.

  1. Navigate to Settings on the sidebar and select Tenancy.
    Enter your SSO configuration, then select SAVE ENTERPRISE SSO CONFIG. Saving your configuration may take a moment.

    Configure SSO

    NOTE: To retrieve the necessary data for the configuration form, your IDP must be configured to be compatible with DataTrails. Enter the information below.

    Login URI:

    Callback URL:

  2. Now that your details are saved, return to the DataTrails sign-in screen. Select the Single Sign-On option

    Single Sign-On

  3. Enter your Verified Domain Name

    Verified Domain
    You will be sent to the identity provider you configured earlier to log-in, then redirected back to DataTrails.