Managing External Access to Your Tenant

Allowing another organization's Tenant to access to your Audit Trails

Organization-Based Access Control (OBAC) policies allow you, as a tenant administrator, to share access to audit trails from your tenancy with an administrator of another tenant. This permissioned sharing allows you to grant access, whether read/write or read-only, to people outside of your organization.

OBAC policies have a lot in common with Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) policies; they apply the same controls with two different classes of actor. Where they differ is that OBAC only allows sharing between Tenant Administrators. The external Administrator must then apply an ABAC policy within their tenancy to give their own organization’s Non-Administrators access to your Audit Trails, where appropriate.

Note: To enable sharing of assets with those outside your tenancy, you must be an Administrator in your organization AND have completed an exchange of subject identifiers, as outlined below.

Adding External Organizations to Allow Sharing

In order to share Assets and their details with another organization or Tenancy, we must first import the subject ID of the external organization. The external organization will also need to import your subject ID. The process below shows how to enter an external organization’s subject ID and for obtaining your own subject ID.

Finding Your Own ID

  1. As an Administrator, navigate to Access Policies

    Managing Policies

  2. Select the Subjects Tab and your Organization’s ID will be contained within the Self box.

    This string is the one you should share with the Administrator of the other tenancy.

    Managing Policies

Importing another Organization’s ID

  1. The external organization’s Administrator will send you their subject ID. Use this to create a new Subject.

    As an Administrator, navigate to Access Policies.

    Managing Policies

    In order to import a Subject using the base64 string, it will need to be decoded to access the wallet_pub_key and tessera_pub_key used in the next step

    echo $SUBJECT_STRING | base64 -d

  2. Select the Subjects Tab and then Import Subject

    Select the Subjects Tab and then Import Subject.

    Importing a Subject

    You will see a form. Enter the subject ID that was sent by the other organization’s Administrator into the Subject String box. The Name box is for you to label the imported organization with a friendly name.

    Adding the Subject

    To add users to the access policy using JSON, you will first need to retrieve their subject IDs using the IAM Subjects API.

    Save the following to a JSON file with your desired subject information

        "display_name": "Friendly Name",
        "wallet_pub_key": ["key1"],
        "tessera_pub_key": ["key2"]

    Execute the file, which will return the subject identity in the form subjects/<subject-id> to be used in your Access Policy. See instructions for creating your BEARER_TOKEN_FILE here.

    curl -v -X POST \
        -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \
        -H "Content-type: application/json" \
        -d "@/path/to/jsonfile" \

Note: The imported subjects will show a grey “disconnected” icon until both sides have imported the other’s Subject ID. This acknowledges that the organizations wish to share with each other. Once both organizations have accepted, the grey disconnected icon will no longer show.

Creating an OBAC Policy

Note: Access polices are applied to the Asset. This means that when a policy is created or updated an Event will be recorded in the audit trail of matching Assets from the Actor Archivist Internal.
OBAC creation uses many of the same steps, filters, controls, and forms as ABAC Policies.

It is possible to mix-and-match ABAC and OBAC Permission Groups in the same policy if you so wish.

  1. Create your Access Policy

    Navigate to the Access Policies section on the sidebar of the DataTrails dashboard.

    Managing Policies

    Create an empty file, in later steps we will add the correct JSON.


  2. You may wish to view your existing policies before creating a new one

    Here you will see any existing policies and can select Create Policy.

    Creating a Policy

    You may view your existing policies before creating your new policy by executing the following curl command. See instructions for creating your BEARER_TOKEN_FILE here.

    curl -v -X GET \
         -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \

  3. Set the asset filters for your policy

    When adding a policy, you will see this form:

    Policy Web Form

    Here you can apply policy filters to the correct Assets. In this case, we shall apply the policy to any Asset of the type Shipping Container.

    Filtering for specific Assets and Locations

    Filters can use and or or to categorize assets. You may also use filters on attribute values, such as = and != for equal and not equal, respectively. These can be used for specific attribute values, or to check if the value exists at all. For example, to filter for Assets not associated with a location, you could use:


    The * is a wildcard that could represent any value. This will match not only on string values, but list and map values as well.

    Following our Shipping Container example, this is how we would set our Asset filters:

        "display_name": "Mandy Inspect Policy",
        "filters": [
            { "or": [
            { "or": [
                "attributes.arc_display_type=Shipping Container"

    See here for instructions on finding your location ID.

  4. Next, enter the desired Permissions to set Users’ Asset and Event attribute access

    We select the Permissions tab to set users’ Asset and Event attribute access policy.

    Default view of Policy Permissions

    In our case, we want the Organization actor, which implies OBAC. Type the friendly name of the organization you wish to share with into the box and there should be a pre-populated drop-down search.

    Note: You will need to have imported another Organization’s ID before you can specify a policy to share information with that Organization.
    Adding a specific User to a Policy

    To add an organization to the access policy, you will first need to retrieve their Subject IDs using the IAM Subjects API.

    Save the following to a JSON file with your desired subject information.

        "display_name": "Friendly name",
        "wallet_pub_key": ["key1"],
        "tessera_pub_key": ["key2"]

    Execute the file, which will return the subject identity in the form subjects/<subject-id> to be used in your access policy. See instructions for creating your BEARER_TOKEN_FILE here.

    curl -v -X POST \
        -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \
        -H "Content-type: application/json" \
        -d "@/path/to/jsonfile" \

  5. Once all relevant details are complete, add the permission group to the policy. You may add multiple permission groups per policy if you wish

    Enter desired permissions and select Add Permission Group

    Permitted Attributes on an Asset

    Add the desired permissions and the Subject ID found in the previous step

        "display_name": "Mandy Inspect Policy",
        "filters": [
            { "or": [
            { "or": [
                "attributes.arc_display_type=Shipping Container"
        "access_permissions": [
                "asset_attributes_read": ["weight", "length", "arc_display_name", "arc_display_type", "arc_primary_image"],
                "subjects": [

    Note we have included DataTrails-significant attributes: arc_display_name, arc_display_type and arc_primary_image.
    arc_* attributes have special significance in DataTrails. In this case, respectively, allowing visibility to the Name and Type of the Asset. Other arc_* attributes are also available.

  6. Once complete, finish creating the Access Policy

    Select Create Policy.

    Submitting a Policy

    Use the curl command to run your JSON file! See instructions for creating your BEARER_TOKEN_FILE here.

    curl -v -X POST \
        -H "@$HOME/.datatrails/bearer-token.txt" \
        -H "Content-type: application/json" \
        -d "@/path/to/jsonfile" \

  7. Once complete, check the Asset is shared appropriately; Mandy should only be able to see the Name, Type and an Image of the container as well as the Asset’s custom weight and length attributes.

    Mandy's view as an Administrator of the External Organization
    By comparison, our Administrator, Jill, can see the full details of the Asset:
    Jill's view as an Administrator

  8. If Mandy wishes to share what she can to Non-Administrators within her organization, it is her responsibility to create an ABAC Policy as she would any other Asset she has access to.

    There are many possible fine-grained controls and as such ABAC and OBAC Policy Creation is an extensive topic. To find out more, head over to the IAM Policies API Reference.